Sumo (Simulation of Urban Mobility) simulation 103 — a series

Amita S.
2 min readJun 11, 2020


Downloading and using map that is bigger than the map export allowed on OpenStreetMap (> 50000 nodes)

Go to Geofabrik download server:

Browse to the continent >> country you want the map of

For example, I want the map of Stockholm Metropolitan Area (Sweden): Download sweden-latest.osm.pbf (

Download osmconvert.exe (

Make sure that the osmconvert.exe is placed in the same folder as the sweden-latest.osm.pbf file

I want the map of this area which is larger than 50000 nodes

Map of the required area with the bounding box

Enter these coordinates in the osm command like below:

osmconvert.exe sweden-latest.osm.pbf -b=14.409,58.347,20.726,60.587 -o=stockholmarea.osm

If you get memory error, use hash

Rewrite the command using hash:

osmconvert.exe sweden-latest.osm.pbf -b=14.409,58.347,20.726,60.587 -o=stockholmarea.osm — — hash-memory=720

To open the network in Sumo use netconvert to convert the .osm file into .net.xml file

Go to the directory with netconvert.exe or give the correct path to the exe:

netconvert.exe — — osm-files stockholmarea.osm -o

Loading the map in Sumo:

Stockholm area map in Sumo



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